The new book of Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Di Renzo Editore
In this book, Giuseppe Arcidiacono develops the new Special Projective Relativity theory, based on the Luigi Fantappié group and the De Sitter Universe with constant positive curvature, which extends the Einstein Special Relativity theory on a cosmic scale, obtaining a group version of the Big Bang cosmology.
Chapter I: The Poincaré group and special relativity
Chapter II: The thermohydrodinamics and eletromagnetism
Chapter III: General relativity, gravitation and cosmology
Chapter IV: Group theory and models of universe
Chapter V: The special projective relativity
Chapter VI: The Fantappié group and Big-Bang cosmology
Chapter VII: A new cosmological projective mechanics
Chapter VIII: The plasma physics and cosmology
Chapter IX: The projective magnetohydrodynamics field
Chapter X: Projective relativity and waves propagation
Chapter XI: The generalizations of the gravitational field
Chapter XII: The general projective relativity
Chapter XIII: The projective gravitational field
Chapter XIV: The De Sitter Universe and quantum physics
Chapter XV: The conformal relativity and Newton gravitation
Giuseppe Arcidiacono (1927-1998) was Professor of Mathematical Physics at the
Books in italian language: La relatività dopo Einstein; Spazio, iperspazi, frattali; Problemi di meccanica razionale; La teoria degli Universi; Sintropia, Entropia, Informazione and L’uomo, la vita e il cosmo.
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